Act on Specified Commercial Transactions
Seller's Address
Tokyo港区六本木三丁目2番1号 住友不動産六本木グランドタワー 37F BASE株式会社
Address for BASE Inc., operator of the BASE online shop opening service, is listed here.
Click here to send inquiries regarding Eden..
Phone number for BASE Inc., operator of the BASE online shop opening service, is listed here.
Click here to send inquiries regarding Eden..
Hours & Shop Information
* For your all questions, please contact the following our Eden's e-mail address.
About Price
* The selling price is the tax-included price notation. In addition, various settlement fees (bank transfer fee・convenience store settlement fee・Pay-easy settlement fee・mobile carriers settlement fee), and shipping fee will be charged.
About Payment Billing Date
* Payment method: Various payment methods
can be used.
* Payment time: Payment will be confirmed when the product order is confirmed.
Bank Transfer:
Bank Transfer commission fee: 360 yen (w/ tax)
Shipping Date
(長期休暇等で上記以上のお日にちを告知の上頂戴する場合が御座います。何卒ご了承頂きます様 お願い致します。)
* Items other than pre-order items will be shipped within 7 days after payment is confirmed.
(In some cases, it may take longer than the above before shipping due to long vacations, etc. In that case, we will notify this Eden.'s web shop. )
Notes on Refund and Returning Goods
弊社の商品は全て 国内のアトリエにて1点1点丁寧な検針・検品及び最終チェックを行なっております。
新品・未使用の商品に欠陥がある場合をのぞき 返品はお受けしておりません。商品到着後5日以上経過した商品に関してましての同理由による返品の場合もお受けできません。ご了承下さい。
* All of our items are carefully meter-read,
inspected and final checked one by one at
domestic atelier, so we do not accept returns unless the new or unused item is defective. We do not accept returns for the same reason for products that have been delivered for more than 5 days, regardless of the reason.
商品のデザイン・素材・サイズなど 全てにおいて予告なく変更する可能が御座います。ご理解下さい。
* Product design・materials・buttons used・size・etc. are all subject to change without notice. Please note that as well.